The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
Cactus-Mall Blog
Thursday, May 11, 2006
  BCSS Swap Shop
There was some discussion of this facility a little while ago on the
BCSS Forum.

We tried to restrict the Swap Shop to BCSS members so that it could be
advertised as a membership benefit. It did not work, because the system
of posting the password in the journal was too messy and made the system
less than simple to use and did not have the desired effect. The Swap
Shop forum has had almost no use over the last twelve months and the
possibility of making it more commercial did not fit well with the BCSS
sponsoring and financing it. I have therefore moved the system to the
Cactus-Mall. Here it will be open to all users and there are no
restrictions on commercial usage and any costs of running it I hope to
cover with Google advertising.

The URL is:

All you need to post items for sale, exchange or wants is a logon
username and password which you can sign up for directly on the system.
There are no charges involved. The new system also replaces the very out
of date Cactus-Mall Trading Post pages. I hope you will find it useful.
No doubt the operational details will be refined as the system goes into

For those technically minded the system uses a new version of the
software used on the BCSS Forum and experience gained in its operation
will be valuable in a proposed upgrade of the BCSS discussion forum in
the future.
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This Blog will note updates to the Cactus-Mall and other related websites like the British Cactus and Succulent Society and the Mesemb Study Group. I will give my thoughts on the current state of the Cactus and Succulent hobby and discuss topical subjects which I think need airing. I hope it can be used by others to give us feedback on the development of the now 10 years old Cactus-Mall and what you think of its usefulness and ways in which we might improve this.


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Neobinghamia climaxacantha

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