The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
Cactus-Mall Blog
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
  Multi-domain search
One of the residual problems of the server migration was that my multi-domain search using HtDig no longer worked. I didn't want to set this up on the new server as this tool is outdated and I was sure there was better around. I found Google have updated their customised searches and now provide exactly what I needed.

The brilliant thing is that you can feed the results back to your own pages and thus not run the risk of losing visitors.

The example in the above link was to an extent a test system and the search page on the Cactus-Mall will shortly be fixed and fully functional agian.
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This Blog will note updates to the Cactus-Mall and other related websites like the British Cactus and Succulent Society and the Mesemb Study Group. I will give my thoughts on the current state of the Cactus and Succulent hobby and discuss topical subjects which I think need airing. I hope it can be used by others to give us feedback on the development of the now 10 years old Cactus-Mall and what you think of its usefulness and ways in which we might improve this.


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Neobinghamia climaxacantha

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