The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
Cactus-Mall Blog
Friday, February 01, 2008
  New server DNS problems
The DNS problem on the server became quite critical yesterday evening and things were decidedly delicate for a while. After work by the Hostgator staff and myself things appear to be under control although I will be happier when the latest changes have propagated evrywhere.

Thank to those whose reported on the server accesses yesterday - the results were very helpful in getting global perspective of what was going on.
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This Blog will note updates to the Cactus-Mall and other related websites like the British Cactus and Succulent Society and the Mesemb Study Group. I will give my thoughts on the current state of the Cactus and Succulent hobby and discuss topical subjects which I think need airing. I hope it can be used by others to give us feedback on the development of the now 10 years old Cactus-Mall and what you think of its usefulness and ways in which we might improve this.


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Neobinghamia climaxacantha

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